Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Egg-citing Spring Classroom Door

Easter is coming - is it time to brighten up your classroom door? Here is a fun and festive decoration that will also help your students learn to find their name, learn their friends names and feel part of the class community. 

spring classroom door

easter classroom door idea

Your students will love their "egg-citing" spring door decoration and they'll be chirping with delight!

Use the printable pieces in this pack from my store or have students cut an oval from bright construction paper and write their name!


  • Prepare the egg cutouts. 
  • Or if making your own, cut out egg shapes from colorful construction paper. You can use different colors and sizes to create a variety of eggs.
  • Write student names on the eggs or have them write their own name. 
  • Cut the word cards provided, or type and print your own unique classroom message. 
  • Assemble the door decoration. Arrange the egg cutouts so all the names can be seen and scatter the polka dot and plain eggs through too  You can use tape or glue to attach the eggs to the door.
  • You can also add other decorations, such as flowers, butterflies, or clouds. There are lots to choose from in other door display packs in or collection. 

This door decoration is a great way to get your students excited about spring and to celebrate the new season. So get creative and have fun!

Here are some alternative message ideas:
  • "Spring is in the Air"
  • "Our Egg-citing Spring Classroom"
  • "Peep, Peep, Here Comes Spring!"
  • "Hoppy Easter from Our Classroom"
  • "Blossoms and Bunnies"
  • "A Rainbow of Spring Colors"
  • "Welcome to Our Chirpy Classroom"
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