Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Torn Paper Collage

Have your students drawn and painted their Teacher Bear? Here are some ideas for adding more detail to their work and extending their creativity. 

back to school art project

Encourage your children to use crayons to add line detail over their paint (once dry). They can draw
  • vertical lines
  • horizontal lines
  • zig zags
  • loops
  • spirals
  • short lines for bear fur
bear art

Help your students learn to tear paper- first in long pieces and then smaller chips. They can collage these to fill the desk for their Bear Teacher.

While tearing, model mathematical language and talk about
  • how to control the paper with small tears to begin
  • the size of the pieces
  • the shape of the pieces
  • the colors
  • how to cover the space
paper tearing

my teacher art project

art project teddy

collage with torn paper

After your Teacher Bears are finished, display them in your classroom to celebrate your students' emerging skills and creative work!

For more details on how to draw the bear, visit this post
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