Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Pencil Pack Art Project - Start with a Square

Start the new school year with an art project that can set the scene of a wonderful year of drawing and creativity! Your students can start with a square to draw a pack of pencils and then finish with a background that explores their emerging drawing skills.

back to school art project pencils

They could:
  • add arms and legs to create a pencil pack character, adding a background scene as well
  • draw some of their favorite lines - scribbles, loops, circles, zig zags etc
  • draw a rainbow or wavy lines with some colors that they would like to incorporate into their artworks this year

Before you start this project, have a class discussion on drawing and how it fits with your learning program. You may
  • encourage drawing before writing
  • have specific times for drawing lessons
  • provide paper and directed drawing projects in a center as a stimulus for writing, creativity or as a fast-finisher
Once completed these pencil packs would make a lovely display for the back-to-school weeks or the first page in a folder collection of art projects. 

start with a square drawing project

This project is included in our new Start with a Square Directed Drawing pack. It includes 4 project options for 10 drawings. Here are the steps for you to follow too:

I hope your first weeks at school (although often busy) are rewarding and you build some lasting happy memories with your students! 

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