Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

3 Extra Ideas for the Rainbow Car

Here are some extra ways to use our Rainbow Cars Number Display Posters in math warm ups!

Daily Counting

With your numbers up on display, have your students count each morning - looking at the numeral and saying the number name.

Fix the Mix

Mix up your number line by switching some cards. Ask students to reorder them and count in the correct sequence. 

Quick Add

Hold up 2 cards and have students find the total. Encourage them to count-on from the larger number - e,g. here they will say 3-4-5. 

Count-on to Make 10

Ask students to add more counters to each window to make a total of 10. Again, have them count-on from the existing number. Talk about how many were added to make the total of 10. 

I hope you love these fun ways to use your number display for essential math concepts and skills! 

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