Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Draw More + Add More

After your children have traced and drawn more on their robot page (in the Pond Coloring Club) you can use their work in a math or spelling warm up or mini lesson! 

While they're tracing and drawing, talk about:
  • the straight and curved lines
  • what shapes they can see on the robot already
  • what ideas they have for how their robot looks when completed or what it does
robot tracing page

Display your collection of robots along with any writing they do!

Robot Makes Words

  • suggest that this robot is making words
  • give your students a selection or letters to use (use letter tiles or write them on the board) 
  • challenge your students to write (around their robot or on a whiteboard) words that robot can make with the letters
  • have this on display in your main teaching area after your activity or warm up and when you need a lesson transition or to fill a few minutes, students can find more words
Robot Word Maker

Robot Rules

  • create a puppet by cutting a window opening on teh robot
  • attach to a craft stick
  • write a rule for numbers - e.g. +10, +1, double, x2, +12
  • ask students to pass a number tile or dice through the robot
  • 'the robot' must calculate the answer (the student) and record it (optional)
  • use this as an engaging math warm up and let students make a math puppet too
Adding 10 to numbers

I hope your students love the robot page!

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