I wanted to remind you of some math games you can play with the pot of gold number cards I've shared with you here on the blog
I revised the file and if you'd like the new set you can still find them in Google Drive: Pot of Gold Number Cards
Use them for a range of flexible number activities and warm ups:
- ask students to match counters to the numerals
- make 10 by counting-on from the pot and adding gold (e.g. to the 6 pot add, 7-8-9-10)
- print 2 sets, flip the cards over, let students try to find a matching pair
Here are another few ideas:
Gold Line Up
- line up the pots 1-6
- have students take turns to roll dice
- whoever rolls one can place it on the matching pot
- keep rolling and matching, but they must be done in order
- whoever rolls 6 wins the gold
Twice as Nice
- students take 2 cards from a face down pile and place them together
- students model addition with counters by combining the gold from both posts
- optional: have them record this addition in a math journal
One More
- students make the number shown and add one more
Pot of Gold Math Craft
If you would like to create a math display in your classroom for number or addition, use the plain Quick Craft Writing template from the St Patrick's Day Activity Pack and let your students draw more coins!