If you're teaching young readers and writers about the long vowel sound ea, you may like to make it fun by drawing a pea at sea! I'm going to share the steps with you here on the blog but you can also find some printable directions in our store.
Perhaps chart a list of ea words as you tell your children this little story:
Little pea heard someone was about to eat him so he decided to go to sea and set sail, east. While there is no seat on his boat, he could reach and leap on his long legs and heat some water for a cup of tea - with cream! Today he found a leak in the hull which he patched with a leaf he saw floating past in the water. What a day! And there is still so much adventure to be had. What do you think Little Pea will do tomorrow? Let's draw him!

Here is a list of ea words you may like to write in a word bank.
- eat
- leaf
- peach
- meat
- east
- seat
- read
- beak
- teach
- tea
- heat
- steam
- sea
- peas
- leak
- beach
- stream
- team
- each
- leap
- beat
- clean
- cheap
- heap
- cream
- weak
- reach
I have written a counting action rhyme about Little Green Pea too - take a peek over here to find it when it's ready!
I hope your students love drawing their pea friend, it's perfect for kindergarten:
- it's mostly simple shapes and simple lines
- you can embed a story within the activity
- drawing and working with circles can lead to a huge range of shape activities
- the pea theme (round dot or circle) is perfect for early counting and number work
If you'd like more creative ideas for making math and early literacy fun, be sure to sign up to my newsletter!