Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Calm Kitty Breathing

cat tracing page

I've shared with you (over in the Pond Coloring Club) a calm cat tracing page! Your children can trace the big shape and spiral with a crayon before shading or painting! 

Here is a little calm breathing activity to try too - that also helps with fine motor, and all students need is sitting with them - their hands! 

Calm Cat Spiral Breathing

  • show your students the spiral tails on the cats
  • tell them that they can make a spiral in the palm of their hand as they breathe in and out - just like the tails
  • demonstrate how to trace a spiral in one palm with the pointer finger of the other hand
  • demonstrate how to spiral back along the same track once your finger hits the middle of your palm
  • demonstrate how to take a full breath in as you make the spiral and a full breath out as you spiral back
  • spiral breathe with your students for 5 breaths in and out (adjust as suits your class)

If you love the idea of a classroom of calm kitties, here is my new Display in a Day pack. You can write or type the name of your students on each printable accent and decorate your door, wall or bulletin board! You may have some cool cats in the class too!

cat classroom door
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