Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Doubling and Halving

I have another idea for you to engage your students in an addition game using the game mats from 10 in the House in an alternative way.

10 in the House is a game for learning the 'make 10' addition strategy. It's in our store ready for you to print!

Here on the blog I want to share with you some ideas for using the mats for doubling and halving. 

Level 3 - students who are able to mentally add

  • play in pairs
  • take turns rolling an 18 sided dice (or use a 20 sided dice and if roll 19-20, roll again)
  • a player chooses to double or halve the number they rolled and cover it with a counter on their game mat
doubles halves

Level 2 - students who need visual support to learn double facts

  • play as above
  • instead of rolling a dice, match a dot pattern card to a numeral card
  • students can 'count on' if needed, from the numeral, using the dots for support
  • ask students to record the double and total on a whiteboard
  • for the dot pattern tiles, use a second print of one of the game mats provided.

Level 1 - for students just becoming familiar with doubles

  • play as above
  • match dot pattern to dot pattern
  • students can count all dots if needed
  • students will notice that a double is 2 sets of the same number, reinforcing the concept

I hope you love these hands-on ways to get more value and differentiated learning opportunities from this resource!

Find 10 in the House in our store.

Find more for numbers in the Little Number House Bundle

Your students will love our free On the door counting action rhyme to complement these activities!

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