Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Oder and Position of Numbers to 15

Reinforce an understanding of the order and position of numbers 0-15 with our engaging math activities. They are hands on games and center style activities that you can use:
  • in your math lesson
  • in math workshop
  • in math rotations
  • as independent activities
We've grouped these activities together in a pack called Math Pack 19. You can use our packs in sequence if you choose, or pick and choose activities and packs that suit your learners best. 
math activities for kindergarten
This bundle will help students learning to:
  • identify one more or one less with concrete materials
  • identify one more or less in picture representations
  • act out a forward and backward jump on a number track
  • identify one immediately more or less of a specific number in the range 0-15
  • write numerals 0-15
Included with each game is a worksheet for students to complete and a cover page to help you organize your resources in folders or pouches. You can also give the included detailed instructions to an adult helper or quickly refer to them yourself as you teach the game to students.

The activities included in this bundle are:

Make a Group

Students will make a group of counters/chips that is one more or less than a given group.

number activities

Make a Train

Students will make a cube 'train' that shows one more of less than a picture and record the numerals.

numbers in kindergarten


Students will make forward and backward jumps on a number track of 1, 2 and 3 and determine the new landing position.

Next and Before to 15

Students will locate and position numbers immediately before AND immediately after a given number, randomly in the range 0-15.

numbers before and after

Numberpillar to 15

Students will sequence and write 3 number sequences from various starting points in the range 0-15.

missing number game
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