Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Ordering Numbers Math Game

Here is a fun and fast-prep game your students can play to practice ordering numbers. 
Ordering Numbers

You need:

  • craft sticks labelled with numerals - just write them on with a Sharpie
  • soft toy - we used an apple

To play:

  1. Distribute the sticks (choose a range of numbers that suits your learners - e.g. 1-30 for kindergarten) randomly to the children playing (at least 2 students)
  2. On 'go' they work towards putting their sticks into order - lowest to highest numbers, or highest to lowest
  3. The first student who orders their sticks, 'grabs' the apple
  4. Encourage students to check the accuracy of the winning sort
  5. Put the apple back in the middle, re-distribute the sticks and play again

If you do not have an apple, you can play with any other toy or novelty - its purpose is simply to add an element of novelty and to identify a winner. Perhaps a fox, wolf or a dragon might work for you! 

Find more apple teaching ideas here

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