Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Compound Words Mini Lesson After Reading

 We have a new mini lesson in our Read Talk Chart series. After sharing a story with your little learners you can have a guided discussion about compound words and look for some in the text.

To engage your students in the mini lesson quickly, you can use our prompt stick - com-pounding hearts. Ask your students if they ever feel their heart pounding. Tell them this is because their heart has 2 sides!
compound words mini lesson
Just like a heart has 2 parts, today we will find some words that have 2 parts - they're called compound words. 
After reading lesson
After you have read the book with your group or class show them a word from the text - we chose rainbow from a reading of Elmer and the Rainbow by David McKee. Write this word on a focus mini-board or piece of paper.
Guided grammar lesson
Ask your students if they can see the 2 words that make up this compound word. Draw a line to show them and talk about the two parts. Erase the line and make sure they see that it is one whole word again.
Compound words with first grade
Ask the students to now look through the entire book with you to discover more compound words. Assist, scaffold and support as necessary. 
Compound words with first grade

Compound words with first grade
Using our mini-lesson chart design you can record the words the students find - if they get sidetracked, bring them back to focus with your prompt stick. It will remind them of the defined lesson focus. 
Compound words lesson
You can use the mini-chart template in our printable pack or draw your own enlarged version on a chart pad or paper. 
Compound words chart
Review this content with your learners by pointing to each section and asking your students to read with you. Display it in your classroom for the week and refer back to it to revisit and consolidate the learning that took place. Our pack has a student copy of the chart so they can undertake this learning again, using a book of their choice at their desk independently. 

You can find the printables for this new mini lesson over in our store.

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