Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Gumnut and Gum Leaf Door Display

Gumnut Door Display for Australian Classrooms

Our Display in a Day printable packs include decor labels and accents to make teh perfect welcoming display for your classroom. 

This new one is perfect for a super cute Australian classroom. It features gumnuts and gum leaves. It will help make a sweet and happy entrance to your classroom and positively promote a year of learning fun!
Door Display Australian Classroom

Decorate your classroom door, bulletin board, window or hallway with the message board or plates: We're going to have gum fun in ...

Our decor theme packs are:
  • easy to cut and assemble pieces
  • feature full color and blackline pieces
  • enable you to write or type your student names

Door Decoration Aussie Classroom

Included in this printable decor pack, in both color and backline, are:
  • 4 different gumnuts with space for student names
  • one page sign with 'We're going to have gum fun in ...' and space to write or type your class name or grade
  • word cards to create a bigger title 'We're going to have gum fun in ...' and space to write or type your class name or grade (2 cards to a landcsape page)
  • accent pieces to add decoration to your gnome display: Earth tone rainbows, 4 gumnuts with hearts, leaves
Australian Classroom Gum Leaf Decor
Add the pieces in any arrangement to any display area in your classroom - or mix and match with my other classroom decor items to liven up your learning space!

Australian Classroom Gum Decor
Find this new Display in a Day pack over in our store today!
From the Pond Door Display

See more of our cute classroom door displays over on our website.

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