Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Comprehension Posters

Reading comprehension posters for first grade
We have set of 8 printable classroom posters will make your classroom bright and happy and help remind students of strategies used when thinking about their reading.
Super 6

The set includes a color and blackline poster for the following comprehension strategies:
  • Making Connections
  • Monitoring
  • Predicting
  • Visualizing (and visualising)
  • Summarizing (and summarising)
  • Questioning
  • Determining Importance
  • Schema

Reading posters

responding to texts

teaching comprehension strategies


reading posters


Find these printable Reading Comprehension Posters over in our store, provided in color and blackline.

You may also like to team them up with our Comprehension Worksheets Pack - the activities in this pack help students reflect back over the strategies they have used, enhance them and respond to their text on paper. They can be used with just about any book!

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