Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Classroom Labels

Classroom Labels
Use our printable classroom labels to help orgninize your resources for math! We have used bright, happy labels from our fruit collection to sort math center packs into addition, subtraction, multiplcation and division.
Math Activities Sorted

To sort the activities we:

  • printed and laminated a selection of games from our math packs
  • stored them in flat, clear 'compact wallets' with a cover page showing the contents
  • sorted them into addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • assembled book boxes from Elizabeth Richards
  • typed the labels in the editable Fruit Labels file 
  • used our favorite Pond Kinder font
  • laminated, cut and blue-tacked the labels onto the boxes
Organizing Math Centers

These labels have so many uses in the classroom:

  • labelling equipment and storage
  • math and reading group folder boxes
  • creating door displays
  • desk tags
  • name displays
  • book covers
  • rewards and motivational accents

Classroom Decor Labels
Fruit labels for the classroom

We have a huge and growing range of labels and accents. You can take a peek over on our website:
We love that our labels are functional, will help you get organized and will also contribute to the happiness in your learning space!
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