Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Multiplication by 5s

We just released a set of 4 math centers to help make multiplication by 5 fun for your students and very easy to prep!

More than just fun, our engaging math centers work on building essential early mathematical concepts and skills.

This pack has a fresh and happy starfish theme - perfect to integrate with some of your ocean and sea themed units of work or easily used as standalone activities.

Here is a sneaky peek at all the fun your little learners will have!

Starfish Arrays

Students will find cards that show an array to match multiplication problems from 1x5 to 10x5. Arrays are shown in two different ways (e.g. 3x5 and 5x3)

Starfish Count

Dry erase marker activities are always a face! A quick write-n-wipe creates instant engagement!  Students will write the missing numbers in each sequence. Random sequences from 1 to 100 are included to encourage students to skip count forward and backward by 5s.

Starfish Five - multiplying by 5

Students will multiply numbers 1-6 by 5. 

They will identify numbers and cover them with counters. A 6 sided die is needed. Perfect for learners who are starting to memorize facts. For emergent mathematicians, have them make some arrays with counters to solve before they cover. 

Starfish Bump

Students will learn their 5 times tables facts as they spin and cover numbers for 1x5 to 12x5. A worksheet version is included as well as a super-fast-prep alternative.

A follow-up worksheet and cover page (for your organization of resources) is provided for each activity.

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