Bear, mouse and owl in the forest:

Winter and spring bear meet for tea:

Polar bear tracing page:

After coloring perhaps you could play with your children or students a language game for reinforcing positional language.
Where Bear - a language game for using positional language
- Use one of the bear pictures and cut it out.
- Tell students: This is bear and we will find where he is hiding in the grid.
- Ask students to sit in a circle with an array of colored paper sheets on the floor (make a grid of at least 5x5 but ensure students can reach to touch all pieces of paper from the edge)
- Ask students to close their wyes while you hide bear under one of the pieces of paper.
- Ask one student to enter the circle to find bear. Let them choose a starting location on one of the pieces of paper, which they lightly put their hand on.
- Give positional language directions for students to find bear - e.g. move up 3, move across to the left 2, move down 1
- The chosen student moves their hand around the gris, following your directions until bear is found.
Christmas Big Shape Tracing
If your students enjoy the polar bear tracing page, you may like more pages from our Christmas themed Big Shape Tracing packet. Perfect for prewriting!