Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Pet Directed Drawing

Help inspire your students to research and write about animals in a pet unit of work, with our new directed drawing pack. 

Your learners can choose on of the 12 pictures to draw, including
  1. hamster
  2. guinea pig
  3. snake
  4. frog
  5. cat
  6. dog
  7. turtle
  8. goldfish
  9. rabbit
  10. mouse
  11. bird
  12. chicken
Each drawing has 4 project options from a large art project to writing a few sentences or short story.

I'd love to share an iguana with you today! It's not in this pack but a special extra! Follow along or print the steps from the Pond Coloring Club

iguana drawing project

how to draw a cute iguana

If your students love iguanas you may like to consider an iguana themed door display! Write or type your class names on the name tags and message board to create a fun and happy display. 

iguana door decorations

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