Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Rainbow Puzzle Game

We made a rainbow puzzle game today. I posted on Instagram in February how easy it was to use a Sharpie to put numbers on your rainbow 'combinations to 10' puzzle. 

Today we made it a little more challenging with removable numbers!

We printed out some numbers (see end of post for free download). Laminated, cut them and added a velcro spot to each. We also added velcro to the puzzle.

Now your sweeties can be in the driving seat and challenge themselves to remember where the numbers go, and how they are 'linked'. I am asking my sweetie to trace his finger along the rainbow path so he understands the symbolism of the rainbow and how one end of the arc is linked to the other.

You could also play with a dice, roll a number and find the combination.

Grab some printable numbers HERE to make your own. I've included a color and backline version. 

You might also like my rainbow addition pack from TpT to help explain the concept to your class!

Thank you so much for stopping by!

- Mel x
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