Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Robot 120 Chart Worksheets

100 chart activities

If you need an activity for students to review number order to 120 in a fun and independent way, make them a 'Number Robot Book'!

Simply print the pages you want to include - there are 20 and each gets harder than the previous, by having more numbers to write.

120 chart activities

Staple them into a work booklet, with the cute cover!

120 chart

When your students have a few minutes to spare, they can fill in some missing numbers.

It is a valuable activity to constantly revise number order, numeral formation and the 120 chart - and requiring your students to write them independently is a way to make sure they are truly attending to their learning.
120 chart worksheets robot

Fast finishers can color the robots too!

robot worksheets number

An alternative is to laminate them or place them in a clear plastic pocket to use with a dry-erase marker.

120 robots

Find this new packet in my TpT store:

place value robot worksheets

If you are looking for more teaching ideas for 100 and 120 charts, check out these older blog posts:

100 chart puzzle

100 chart worksheets

fill in the missing number 100 chart

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