Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Penguin Fine Motor Activity

Pinning Pages are a great way to motivate students to engage in a focused fine motor activity. After helping them understand safety rules with pins, distribute a page to each student along with a push pin.
Find all our pinning page packets here

Students can find a comfortable and safe place on the classroom carpet to pin the design on their page. It makes for a nice calming-down activity after a busy lunch - especially on a hot day in the playground. 

penguin pinning page

Once finished, the pages look great displayed on the window, with sunlight streaming through all the holes. 

I would love to share this penguin page with you today. Find it over in our free Coloring Club library!

If you need more creative ideas for a penguin theme - find our collection to browse over on the website

Have a wonderful day teacher friends!
penguin pinning page

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