Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

8 Things

Here are eight things I Try to do before I leave my classroom for the day - but especially for the weekend. When I  spend 10-15 minutes 'organizing' before I close the door, my week flows much better and I have a more relaxing weekend. 

1. Everything off the floor

This is just basic housekeeping and a courteous way to leave the room. It makes things instantly feel more organized. Get the children to help with this one, before they leave the room. 

2. Paper Away

3. First hour of next day / Monday physically prepped

Imagine that you are about to teach the first hour of the next day / Monday - what do you need? Have you got everything physically ready?

4. Check memos, notices and calendars

Check to see what is coming up over the next few days.

5. Make a List

Write a to-do on a sticky note of anything you must get done at home. Stick it on the front of your planner. 

6. Clean the Board

If you have a chalkboard, or whiteboard, clean it (where appropriate). It will help you start the day fresh. 

7. Straighten Things

Sounds OCD, but it helps children to settle. Line things up, turn pencils around, books in order - keep things neat! Ask the children to help with this one too!

8. Things in their Place 
You will not have a well managed room if things do not have a place. The kids have to know with 100% certainty where everything 'goes'. Make sure everything is in its place before you close the classroom door!

Once you get in a pattern of doing these things, it will take minimal effort and have a huge impact on your classroom. 

Speaking of 8 things, I just made eight new 2D shape crafts in a spring bundle. It is on sale today in my TpT store:

Find my other 2D shape craft packets in store, too:


Have a wonderful day, thank you so much for stopping by!

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