Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!


Here is an apple craft idea!

Just print the template on 2 pieces of different coloured paper - we used red and green!

Grab the free template download here: Free Apple Craft Template 

Fold each piece in half along the heavy dashed line. Remind your students that we do not cut on this dark line.

Cut on the curved dotted lines, holding the fold.

Cut a leaf and stem from other scrap paper.

Glue the pieces back together on a background page, alternating the colours. We glued ours on blue paper and then cut around the blue paper in the apple shape.

I hope your students enjoy this paper project as much as we did! Use a range of bright colours for variety and visual impact!

Apple Addition and Fine Motor

Our new Fun Play Dough cards - Apples on Top - are in the TpT store now.

Students will roll different sized balls (great fine motor) of play dough to make more apples on each card. You could also use counters or dry erase markers as an alternative to Play Dough for this activity.

Students will be thinking about adding more to a set to complete a count, learning valuable early addition concepts and strengthening their number sense. 

Find it in our TpT site HERE

And you may like to follow my Pinterest board "Apple Classroom Ideas" to monitor future and additional apple projects!

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