Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Christmas in July Kick Off!

Hi friends!
It is well and truly Christmas-sy here in my little part of the world. We are experiencing a VERY chilly winter and I love getting snuggled up on the sofa with warm drinks and not feeling guilty at all for staying indoors! There was a very exciting rumour circulating that we may even see snow on the mountain that I can see from my house. It would be a once in a century sought of thing. It hasn't eventuated, but I have my eyes peeled! 
My friends over at Blog Hoppin enjoy a summery Christmas-in-July and decided it was a great excuse for a sale! Every day this week I will have a surprise sale, discount or freebie! Let the festivities begin!
Today I have discounted my new 'Big Bus Game Pack'. It is LESS than 50% off!

It includes 3 fun printable games (my favourite thing of all) to help revise numbers to 30 when you head back to school!
Students can practice forward number sequences with Bus Count

They will order numbers from least to greatest in Bus Order.

And make sure they have combinations-to-ten down pat with Make Ten Bus.

Each game has a recording worksheet, detailed game instructions and a cover page (to get your pockets and tubs labelled and organized). 

Just $1.50 for 3 fun games that your students will love! That is sweeter than Christmas pudding!

Have a wonderful day my lovelies, and don't forget to head over to Blog Hoppin to find links to other fabulous stores!

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