Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

100 Days of School

This weekend I was thrilled to notice that my TpT store had reached 7000 followers! 

Oh my goodness. It feels like it was just yesterday that I felt the excitement of reaching one hundred. 

In celebration, I made a '100 Days of School' number line puzzle freebie. 

You can grab the freebie from my TpT store by clicking  HERE

I made some eye candy for the week ahead in my planner. Under heavy influence from my sister, I recently became a 'planner addict'. It is lots of fun and a good way to indulge in creativity, paper, stickers and all-things-cute! If you need another obsession interest in your life - look up #planneraddict on Instagram!

Appreciating my 7000 followers made me reflect on how things are achieved. When I focus too much on the 'big picture' - all the jobs and roles I have - I get lost in the enormity of it all, and at times can get overwhelmed.  I need to constantly tell myself to just focus on the little moment I have now and what I can do with it. They do add up, and they do made a difference!

You can download my little planner/diary card HERE. Hopefully as I open up my planner each day this week, it will remind me to be at peace with my life of 'little moments'.

The absolutely adorable and amazing Cara Carroll has also just made a blog post with wonderful ideas for a '100 Day Celebration' in your classroom. I always get excited when I see that Cara has blogged and true to form, her post delivers so many wonderful ideas - you will love it!

Find Cara's blog post (including freebie) HERE

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