Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Five For Friday

It is Five for Friday time my friends!

Here are 5 very random happenings from my week. What a week it has been. I worked a few extra days this week, and although I am now more tired than normal, I have to say, I was feeling very 'at home' being in a classroom for a few more hours. Some of us are just made for it I guess - I am sure you know the feeling.

#1 Scrappy Superheroes

I got time to make some Scrappy Superhero Clipart this week, and I was very happy with how they turned out. If you would like to see the final product, you can find them in my TpT store HERE

#2 Grammar and Punctuation Flippy Flappy Books

I was patting myself on the back for being a bit of a super-mum this week. I found, nestled away in the back of my wardrobe a couple of books that I purchased way back when my daughter was 2, ready for when she needed to learn more about punctuation and grammar. And who am I kidding, they are for me too! LOVE when I find long forgotten treasures, in hidden hidey holes around the house. 

These books explain all sorts of aspects of grammar and punctuation with pull out flaps and are great for visual learners.

# 3 Fat Wombat

Isn't he just gorgeous! I went along with my daughter's class on an excursion (field trip)  to learn more  about Australian animals and reptiles. I could not resist a photo of this fella. 

We also learnt that baby koalas cannot eat leaves, they cannot digest them. So mother koala eats them and baby koala, well she eats mother-koala-poo. There is no nice way to write it. 

Told you, random.

#4 Paper Penguin

We did not see any penguins at the park, but we DID see a platypus. And they are kinda the same. But not really at all. 

The platypusary (yes that is what they called it) was VERY dark, so I could not get a good photo. I tried - but it's just a very dark rectangle with two bright yellow gleaming eyes popping out. I was going to post it, but it just looked evil. And platypuses are EVERYTHING but, so I decided to post a picture of a penguin instead. 

Nothing random about that.

This Penguin with a Pencil is a paper craft that you can find in my "Let's Learn P" resource pack. And its FREE for the moment. Find it by clicking on the image below:

#5 Playing

When I think of platypuses and penguins, I also thing of princesses and playing. Why? Because that is just the way a K-1 teacher's mind works. It also works by reducing my working vocabulary to mostly cvc words, but I will save that up for another fun post ;)  

I did some cleaning out and sorting of my little princess's wardrobe this week. It hit me very hard - how much and how fast, she is growing up. In a blink of an eye and a bit of a growth spurt she has grown out of so many of her clothes, yet I still see her as my baby girl. 

I gave her extra hugs this week so that she knows how much I love her and I also played with my little man (2 yrs old) a LOT.  

I want to treasure as many moments with him, as I can, before he grows up oh-so-fast as well. 

I hope you had a week as crazy and random as mine.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
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