Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

A Festive Spelling Word Activity

How has your week been? We are all sorts-of-crazy busy here in Australia. It is dangerously close to the end of the school year and summer is just a couple of weeks away! Most teachers will have finished there end-of-year assessments, be madly rehearsing for concerts and presentation day ceremonies. They are most likely planning to do some fun, yet educational Christmas-sy activities with their students. 

Do you need a very-easy-to-organize spelling of sight word activity for your class or small groups this week? This one will double-up as an help you decorate the room for Christmas. 

Students write a sight word or spelling-list word on strips of paper and use them to create paper chains. 

Simply provide them with a list of words, red and green paper strips, black markers, tape and Christmas stickers. Once completed, you can hang these around the classroom!

You can also download this FREE blackline worksheet to keep your clever ones busy AND revising their spelling or sight words. They can create a word search using any list of words, and then pass it to a friend to find them all! Click on the image below to download from Google Drive.

I used a border from my 3rd 'Edge It' border collections to make this worksheet. It is 50% off for 1 more day, if you are interested! 

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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