Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Big Numbers

Big Numbers Bingo is a resource that I recently added to our print and play collection. It will help students learn to quickly identify 3-digit numbers beyond 100.

 This game has been listed in my TpT store. Find it HERE if you are interested.

I made this additional activity for students who are still learning to compare numbers. Ask your students to use the number call cards from 'Big Numbers Bingo' to find combinations that show greater than/less than. You can download this for free from Google Drive!

Find it HERE

If you need a little 'morning table work' to keep your kiddos busy and focused, try this spin and trace style of worksheet! It will help with speedy identification of blends and handwriting. Remind your students to SAY the sound as they spin it - this will help them focus. Ask the students to trace in one colour while they are playing the game, and once the activity has finished, to trace the remaining sounds in another colour - the more practice the better!

Find it for FREE on google drive HERE

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