Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Flash Freebie - Noise Level Posters

I am having a flash freebie give-away! head over to my TpT store to collect my latest resource FREE today. 

These posters will help your Kindergarten students begin to manage noise levels in the classroom. I designed them specifically for Kindergarten, so they have only 3 noise options. 

1. Too Noisy
2. It's getting loud!
3. Perfect

Place them in a good position in the classroom, and switch them out as the need arises. Teach you students that when the red card is on display, they need to STOP (red for stop) what they are doing and think about their noise. When things get back to normal, you can put the green card out.

I would also recommend keeping a copy in your CORE DRAWERS. This way, when you are giving your final instructions to your class on the mat, you can remind them of your noise-level system by grabbing the cards from the 6th drawer. Remind them of 

1. what each card means
2. where they will be on display in the classroom
3. what they have to DO when they see each card

You will need to revise these 3 things with your new kinders for a few weeks until they get used to the system.  

 I am going to let you in on some exciting news.... something extra special is happening tomorrow. Do not miss it! PLease stop back again tomorrow so I can share the NEWS with you!

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