I have just made up a cool little 'Teacher Resource Book' that is perfect for your 'Core Drawers'!
The 2nd drawer is where I advise you keep your reward stickers, about 5 blank class lists (in a grid format), a copy of your classroom timetable and small copies or extracts of some of your teaching content - word lists, spelling lists etc.
I love to use the Jolly Phonics Word Book in my second drawer. For those of you that don't use the Jolly Phonics program, I have created a very special 'Teacher Word Book' to put in your drawer.
It is a FAST 'go-to reference' for finding kinder friendly words to help focus your students' learning. I love using mine when I am asking a student to come out to the front of the class and make a word with magnetic letters. The kinder teachers reading this, will know exactly what I mean when I say that my mind goes completely blank sometimes. Especially when I am trying the think of multiple 'bl' words or 'sc' words that can be sounded-out! Well this little book will save you!
Just print out the pages..
Cut the pages in half.... and collate in number order
Staple at the top....

Add some durable tabs onto the side of the pages for even faster retrieval of words!
Too easy my friends!
This printable book contains words that are phonetically regular - they can ALL be sounded-out! The only exception is the sight words at the end of the file.
We included:
Word Families
Initial Double Consonant Blends
Final Double Consonant Blends
3 Letter Blends
Nasals (ing, ang, ong)
Magic e
Consonant Digraphs
MAIN Long Vowel Sounds
Sight Words
You can find it as part of our 'Core Drawers' download, or on its own at TpT HERE
Each page is broken down into sub categories and in alphabetical order! A good selection of words has been chosen for each section where possible (we restricted it to words that could be sounded).
It can be easily printed as it is in a blackline design, and can be photocopied!
I hope you are having a wonderful week, thank you so much for stopping by!