Having a "School" box of books, pictures and posters ready for the first week of Kindergarten (or any early years grade) is a great way to be prepared for back to school. A "School Days" unit of work or similar can be a lovely way to to introduce the children to the formalities of 'big school’
This box of books is more for shared story reading time, where the students can relax and just enjoy being read to, without any formal and structured 'teaching about text' that I would do with big books in our main literacy session. I read these as lesson breaks and before/after bell times.
Books are a great way to settle students and also start to build a 'community' in your classroom early in the school year. The children learn to respond to your voice as a teacher, and they provide a platform for lots of discussion, sharing of opinions and learning about boring things like school rules! "Shared experiences" are perfect learning tools in a classroom and a shared story is a simple, yet exciting experience for kinder children in their first weeks.
Here are some of the books I take off my daughter's book shelf and pack into the car at the beginning of every school year!
They include (affiliate links included):
- The First Day of School
by Toby Forward
- I Am Too Absolutely Small for School (Charlie and Lola)
by Lauren Child
- My Mum Goes to Work by Kes Gray
- Kindergarten With Teddy Bear by Jacqueline McQuade
by Michael Salmon
- Grug Goes to School
by Ted Prior
- Starting School by Janet and Allan Ahlberg
- Possum Goes to School by Melanie Carter
- Franklin is Lost by Paulette Bourgeois
- Who's Behind the Door? At My School by Michael Salmon
- The Kinder Hat by Morag Loh
- First Day Jitters
by Julie Danneberg
- Franklin Goes to School
by Paulette Bourgeois
- Don't Eat the Teacher by Nick Ward
- Please Play Safe by Margery Cuyler (great for talking about playground rules)
- Kindergarten by Jacqueline Rogers
- Eight by Lyn Lee and Kim Gamble (great for talking about feeling safe without familiar things)
I arrange them on a table-library in the classroom for a few weeks, so the students can look through during free reading time.
Who's At School Activity
The "Who's Behind the Door? At My School" book provides the stimulus for a wonderful activity I do with the students.
I take them on a tour of the school and knock on each classroom door. We talk about the teacher, the classroom and take a photo! The teacher in the room says a few nice words to the children and we wave good-bye. The next day, I have ready, a hand made book, similar to this one in structure, with each page folding out to reveal which teacher is 'behind the door'. The children LOVE it and it is a great way to introduce them to all the new faces at school.
Link to Behaviour Strategy
I read books like "If You're Happy and You Know It" by Jane Cabrera - as they lead into movement and singing activities that are well known by the students. I also incorporate this song into my behaviour management by singing "If You're Ready and You Know It, Sitting Down" (clap clap).. "If You're Ready and You Know it Cross Your Legs" ".....eyes to me"... etc - basically singing what I want them to do. It works very well!
School Themed Worksheet Activities
Worksheets like the ones in our 'Back to School Worksheets' packet are great to use with these sorts of books in the first weeks of school.
With this printable file, you can create a booklet of 25 pages that will allow your students to draw or write some simple things about school.
Each page is clear, uncluttered and perfectly simple enough for little ones to finally start some big-school-work but not be overwhelmed.
For some of the activities, you may need to scribe some ideas for the students, while others have room for illustrations.