Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

2D Shapes Packet

I have a new bundle to help you teach 2D shapes!

It includes:

Classroom 2D Shape Posters

Make your teaching and classroom come alive with these wonderful poster charts to learn basic 2D shapes. We have had special colorful characters designed to motivate your students! This file includes posters depicting our shape character, plain single shapes, a collection of the same shapes in different orientations and a simple fact/feature poster for each shape. The basic shapes included are: circle, square, rectangle, oblong, triangle, oval, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, rhombus, trapezium, trapezoid and star. Don't forget that you can print them out 2 or 4 to a page to create small charts or game cards too.

A Shape Activity Book

This printable file will help you to make a My Shapes Book for each of your students. Simply print, photocopy and staple suitable pages to create a practical and motivating workbook for students to complete whilst learning about basic 2D shapes. 

The shapes covered are: square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, circle, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, trapezium, oval and star. There is also a page for "oblong" and "trapezoid" in case you use that terminology. 

The cute characters on each page link in with our 2D Shape Posters file, to help motivate your students - link these resources to create a wonderful lesson. Students will need to colour, trace, draw and find/paste a picture of each shape throughout the book

A 2D Shape Teaching Pack

This is a bonus collection of ideas to help you teach 2D shapes and includes:
  • Shape Sort Activity + Worksheets
  • Shape Walk Activity + Printable Book Pages
  • Find-a-Shape Activity
  • Pattern Strip Activity + Printables
  • Draw a Shape Activity

A Fun Paper Craft - Shapies

Students each make a unique aper craft that uses various 2D shapes in a variety of colors! They look great on a bulletin board to celebrate your shape learning!
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