Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

FREE Digital Slides - Popcorn Words

Popcorn Words Digital Slide

I have just created my first digital file for TpT. The first school I worked in had the first electronic board in my state and I ran a staff training on how to use it! The school I am at now is slowly adopting them. I do like using the board for warm up and researching some high quality information but have to admit - for my kindergarten students, prefer hands-on and paper activities. 

I am giving it away this Popcorn Words (words that occur frequently in texts) for free - so head over to TpT to find it!

It is ideal just for a short introductory Sight Words lesson. I have an introductory lesson each Monday morning, where I introduce 6 focus words to my students. We talk about the letters in the word. I tell my students that even though we cannot sound out the words, the letters and letter-sounds in our sight words can give us some clues when we are reading. We sound-out some of them - like "was" and laugh about how silly they sound when we sound them out!

I normally do this introductory lesson with flashcards and an actual plastic popcorn cup (from Woolworths) or Jolly Phonics Tricky Word Hat. I have them "pop" out of the cup and up onto the noticeboard. This digital lesson will provide an alternative way to introduce the words.
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