Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Blends Posters

consonant blends
We love making posters for the classroom. They help teach and consolidate basic skills and concepts - especially for kindergarten and first grade. 

We recommend starting the school year with minimal posters on display and then flip them around, or add them to your boards and walls as the year goes on.

If you have minimal space or prefer a more muted aesthetic we recommend having a focussed learning board for the week and switching out posters that come into focus each week. As you take them down, add them to a learning folder or scrapbook. Students love looking through it during quiet and independent reading times. 

Today we have some consonant blend posters for you! An editable version is included too so you can type them in a font that suits you!

blends posters

Blends Posters

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