Making Our Printable Bulletin Boards

We have a few 'printable bulletin board' type products in our store. This post will help you see how easy they are to put together. 

The photos for this post use the pages that are part of a FREE 'Welcome Bulletin Board' that you can download by visiting my blog and a few of my friends blogs. 

To start the process, you need to gather some equipment. Print the pages and grab some scissors, a ruler, glue stick and pencil. 


I have designed the pages to have an overlapping bleed around the edges. This will help ensure, that no matter what printer you are using, the board will come together. Part of the design on one page will completely overlap and join the design on the next page.

Most printers will put a margin around the edge of each page. You will need to cut the margin off completely on two sides of the pages. This will give you two edges where the design will reach the very edge of the paper, and give you a joining-line. 

You will be able to find the printing margin as you will see the lines of the design on the page suddenly stop and looked 'chopped off'. Use a ruler and draw a line on this margin.

Do this for sides A and B on each page. Leave the other two sides, this will become 'tabs' to put glue on.

Now you can begin to glue the pages together. The pages will print in the order you need to glue them. Move the cut-edge of one paper over the adjacent page and find where it lines up. Add glue and secure the pages together. 

Keep going until all pages are secured.

Then, your students can paint and decorate the bulletin board poster. 

Have fun!