Visual Memory Supports Number Recognition:
Visual memory helps in recognizing and identifying numbers quickly. It supports the ability to recall the shape and structure of numbers, making it easier to read and understand them.Visual Memory Supports Mental Calculation:
Visual memory assists in performing mental calculations. It allows individuals to hold numbers and mathematical operations in mind, enabling them to solve problems without the need for physical aids.Visual Memory Supports Geometry and Spatial Reasoning:
Visual memory is essential for understanding and manipulating geometric shapes and spatial relationships. It aids in visualizing and mentally rotating objects, identifying patterns, and solving spatial problems.
Play Two Turtle Math Warm Up
Here is a math warm up to play with the Turtle Grid Cards from the Math Kit. As well as helping your students with counting and number sense (seeing numbers in different arrangements and counting them quickly) it can support your children's emerging visual memory.To play:
- make a pattern with 5 counters on your turtle
- give students a short time to look at the pattern - encourage counting etc
- conceal the turtle with a square of paper or similar
- have students copy the arrangement from memory on their own turtle card
- reveal your first turtle and have students correct their own arrangement if needed
- play with different numbers and different arrangements
Have fun playing in math today! Play is an essential part of learning in the early years - and it is especially important in mathematics. By providing children with opportunities to play, we can help them to develop a positive attitude towards math, learn math concepts in a meaningful way, develop important math skills, and become successful learners.
Let me know if I can help you in math or leanring in the early years!
- find the math grid cards for your Math Kit in my store
- find more math activities in the Math Kit Bundle
- find more for number 5