Bugs on a Leaf Math Warm Up - Addition Within 5
- each player has a leaf play mat
- use 1-3 dot cards
- on their turn a student flips a card and places a matching number of counters (bugs) onto their leaf
- player each have 2 turns
- totals are calculated and the highest wins
- encourage students to look at each others' leaves and check the accuracy of the totals

Here one player has a total of 4 and the other 2. Encourage your students to talk about their bugs - First one bug landed on the leaf, then 3 more bugs. There were 4 bugs altogether.

Optional: if playing multiple rounds, you can let students keep track of their wins by putting a counter on a flower mat for each win they score.

Addition within 5 can be something. you support daily in your kindergarten with math warm ups and play. Once you've taught students some of these games you can provide the equipment at a math table and stduents will play them in their self-directed center or play time too.
Don't forget, as well as playing games:
Use manipulatives.
Physical objects like blocks, counters, or toys can help kindergarteners visualize and understand the concept of addition. Combining concrete objects, math language or talk and symbols or visuals will provide a multi-sensory experience for students and build confidence and understanding.
Use real-world examples.
Real-world examples can help kindergarteners connect the concept of addition to their everyday lives. For example, you could ask them how many apples they would have if they had 3 apples and then got 2 more apples from the store. The visuals in the math kit (like the leaf play mats) help students make connections from real world experience and stories to symbols and concepts.