Little Winter Bird Art Project

winter bird drawing

Draw some sweet little birds for a creative winter art project. Once your students can scribble or sketch the basic shape they can draw more to create their own winter scene. 

Here are some simple steps to follow (or a printable page is available in our Pond Coloring Club - see base of this post).

Once drawn your children can color with crayon and then watercolor some extra detail too. Gently pull some cotton apart to glue and make a soft snow detail.

winter bird drawing

December art activities for kindergarten

December art activities for kindergarten

I hope your children enjoy their creative time today! After completing the art project:
  • ask them to describe their bird 
  • support their verbal description with additional adjectives etc
  • record some of the descriptive words as your students talk and discuss their art and make a class chart for a writing project to come back to on another day

Bird Directed Drawing