Here are a few extra ways to use the bus game mats from Bears on the Bus (numbers to 20) and Ten Bears on the Bus.
Double Bears
- roll a 1-3 dice (this happy face dice is from our Pond Coloring Club)
- students make the number on one side of the bus
- students make another equal group on the other side of teh bus, to show the double and find the total

Making Numbers in Rows of 5
- students use the 20 frame bus
- roll a 20 sided dice
- make the number, adding bears or counters to the bus
- make the number using sets of 5 of the same color
- challenge students to say the number is rows of 5 - e.g. I made 12, it's 2 rows of 5 and 2 more
I hope your children have fun with numbers this week! You may also like:
- more ten frame activities
- a math bear craft
- to join my newsletter (it's free)