When students are cutting paper and working on fine motor activities for scissor skill practice, ask them to put all the paper scraps in a special bin to use in future craft projects like this one! The small pieces are easier to handle for learning to cut circles and ovals and it conserves paper!
If you're working with a pond animals theme you may also like our instructions for a paper craft fish!
- write a sentence or short story with the topic of frogs
- make some words
- play a math game (see below)
Frog Leap Math Warm Up - 10 more 10 less
- students will find 10 more or 10 less than a number, without having to count
- put a large 100 or 120 chart down on the floor or guided-math table
- players take turns
- a player gently tosses a green counter onto the mat
- all students must quickly call the number that is ten more (or ten less, at your direction before play commences) than the number the 'frog' lands on
- this is a fast-paced warm up for students to become familiar with position of numbers, no winner, just as much practice as possible