A game mat is provided to work on, or you may choose to provide the number cards for students to sequence directly.

It's a practical game to include in your plans as the rectangle cards are fast to cut and prepare and it's easily differentiated.
There are a lot of cards included (119 puzzles) so I recommend selecting just a few for each group at your math table.

You can let students free-play with the cards, building the snakes independently or set up a game in your math workshop or rotation (instructions included).

If you have our Number Snake cards already, you can find all this extra value ready for you over at TPT! If you'd like to discover more about Number Snake for the first time, hop over to read more!

You can let students free-play with the cards, building the snakes independently or set up a game in your math workshop or rotation (instructions included).

For your emergent learners, I recommend printing 2 sets and using one snake as a matching-mat. These students can work towards being able to identify each number by matching it with a puzzle piece.

Added to the resource is also a digital activity - you can use Easel by TPT to project it onto your electronic board. Use it as a daily math warm-up for the week! Here is a suggestion of a math-talk you can lead with each slide.

Added to the resource is also a digital activity - you can use Easel by TPT to project it onto your electronic board. Use it as a daily math warm-up for the week! Here is a suggestion of a math-talk you can lead with each slide.
Number Snake Math Warm Up
Monday - Slide 1
- What numbers are missing? How do you know?
- Encourage students to tell you and explain how they know - e.g. 3 is missing, it comes after 2. 5 is missing, you say it after 4.

Tuesday - Slide 2
- What number is one more than 7?
- How else can we describe where that number is on the number track? (e.g. one less than 9)
Wednesday - Slide 3
- What number is two away from 10? How do you know this?
Thursday - Slide 4
- What numbers come between 15 and 19?
- How far is 16 from 19?
- Is 17 closer to 15 or 20?
Friday - Slide 6
- What numbers are missing?
- Are they odd or even numbers? How do we know?
If you have our Number Snake cards already, you can find all this extra value ready for you over at TPT! If you'd like to discover more about Number Snake for the first time, hop over to read more!