After your children have traced and drawn more on their robot page (in the Pond Coloring Club) you can use their work in a math or spelling warm up or mini lesson!
While they're tracing and drawing, talk about:
- the straight and curved lines
- what shapes they can see on the robot already
- what ideas they have for how their robot looks when completed or what it does

Display your collection of robots along with any writing they do!
Robot Makes Words
- suggest that this robot is making words
- give your students a selection or letters to use (use letter tiles or write them on the board)
- challenge your students to write (around their robot or on a whiteboard) words that robot can make with the letters
- have this on display in your main teaching area after your activity or warm up and when you need a lesson transition or to fill a few minutes, students can find more words

Robot Rules
- create a puppet by cutting a window opening on teh robot
- attach to a craft stick
- write a rule for numbers - e.g. +10, +1, double, x2, +12
- ask students to pass a number tile or dice through the robot
- 'the robot' must calculate the answer (the student) and record it (optional)
- use this as an engaging math warm up and let students make a math puppet too

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