Yes or No

Get your students ready for math with this no-prep warm up! Students can simply do a thumbs up/ thumbs down to indicate yes/no or true/false. Alternatively they can use their happy/sad face from the free craft in the Pond Coloring Club today! 

The aim is for students to identify a sequence that is correct (counting by 1s).

They will be working on:
  • attentive listening
  • ordering numbers
  • forward or backward counting
To play simply call out a sequence of 3 numbers and have students give you a thumbs-up (or happy face) if correct or a thumbs-down (sad face) if not.

If using the faces, students can simply hold it under their chin and flip it as appropriate depending on the sequence you call.

No Prep Math Game Warm Ups

  • write the numbers on a board as you say them
  • have a student call the numbers 
It is tempting to flip through a series of slides on your electronic board for warm-ups like this but save the screen time for a more comprehensive activity. The students need to hear your voice, listen to numbers spoken and see them written by hand. 

Math Warm Ups Kindergarten

If you would like your students to make a happy/sad face - I'm sharing it with you today in the club - you're very welcome to join.

Free Craft Social Emotional Learning

The craft can be used after a reading or discussion on feelings and emotions. Brainstorm some practical ways students can feel better quickly at school if they're glum. Talking to a friend, choosing a different activity or having some quiet-time may be examples. 

Social Emotional Learning Kindergarten

Smiley Face Printable

I also added a little reader for feelings to the growing bundle of emergent readers over in our TPT store, along with a digital text. 

Emergent Reader

Reading With Cut Paster Books

I hope your students love getting warmed up for math, I'm sharing more ideas like this one on the Super Fan newsletter email, so be sure to sign up or ask for help if you need!