Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Get to Two

addition or subtraction

Here is a game for building fluency with numbers! It's fast-prep with minimal resources. You can use a sheet of paper for a game mat or our cute Betty Boo printable! 

Tell students that our adorable puppy Betty Boo is playing with her toys and needs to have exactly 2 on her mat by the end of the day!

Your students will become fluent and familiar with numbers, combining groups for addition and taking-away for subtraction as they put toys on and off the mat. 

This activity provides an opportunity to build foundational experience with numbers. Extend and enrich the learning by talking with your students about the numbers they are working with as the game progresses. 

  • The aim is to get to two.
  • Each students starts with 3 on the mat. 
  • On their turn, roll the dice and choose to add or take away. They must always have at least one toy (counter) on the mat.
  • The first player to get a perfect 2, after adding or subtracting is the winner. 

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