Do you have the Beep Beep coloring page from our Premium Coloring Club? before you let your students paint or color the fun little cars, play a few minimal-prep math games!
Place Value
- 2 players
- assign a row of 3 cars to each player (top and bottom of page)
- the first car is a space to keep winning tokens
- the next 2 cars are a place value mat - one car for the ten, the other car for the ones
- students take turns to roll a die and build a number
- e.g. Player 1 rolls a 1, decides on either one ten or one one
- Player 2 rolls and has his first turn
- After each rolling twice, 2 numbers have been created - in the example below, 13 and 24
- the 2 numbers are compared and the largest number wins - here player 2 can put a blue counter in his first car
- the first player to have 3 counters in their first car is the winner
Below the player has rolled 4 and has chosen to place down 4 ones.
Comparing 2 and 3 digit Numbers
- 2 players
- assign a row of 3 cars to each player and 3 dice of the same color
- students each roll their dice and build a number, deciding which dice to place in each car
- e.g. in the example below, the top player has made 331, the bottom player 426
- 426 wins as it is the largest number when compared with the other and this student wins a token from the middle rows of cars
- the first student to score 3 tokens may be declared the winner
Play by making 2 digit numbers too!
Skip Counting by 2
- individual play
- roll an eight sided dice and make groups of 2 to skip count
- in the example below, the student rolled a 3, so places 2 counters in 3 cars (covering the eyes if supported is needed)
- talk to your learners about repeated addition, equal groups and skip counting to make it faster to find the total
Counting by 2 Craft
To further help your students understand repeated addition for multiplication (and skip counting) they can make a Beep Beep Car!
The math craft has a fold-down interactive component which helps students get a genuine feel for how numbers grow in size by a consistent repetition of an equal set.
It's available in our store and comes with a bonus digital warm up to present to your students on the electronic board!