Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

Apple Pattern Banner

Combine math and classroom decor with our decorative apple pennants! I'm sharing them with you from my TpT store

Use the yellow, pink and green pennants to create a repeating patterns. Make lots of different patterns with your students as a mini-lesson and then vote on the pattern to display in the classroom. A blackline version is available too if you'd prefer students to color or paint them!

Some patterns could be:
  • pink, yellow, green, pink, yellow, green
  • pink, pink, yellow, pink, pink, yellow
  • green, pink, green, pink, green pink
apple pattern banner

I printed these pennants at 4-to-a-page to make them tiny!

free apple classroom decor

apple pennant banner

As well as making and talking about the patterns with your class:

Movement Patterns

  • ask your students how the pattern could be shown in movements
  • e.g. pink, yellow, green could be jump, leap, hop, jump, leap, hop
  • encourage students to perform a pattern in a movement or PE lesson

Circle Clap

  • ask students how the pattern could be heard in sound
  • e.g. pink, yellow, green could be clap, tap, click finger
  • ask students to perform the pattern with sounds

Number Pattern

  • ask students how the pattern could be shown with numbers
  • e.g. pink, yellow, green could be 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3
  • ask students to write the number pattern

Coloring Page

Over in the coloring club you can find an apple page - you could also have your students paint or color to match the display pattern!

apple coloring page

Find the pennants with an accompanying digital recording page - over in my store!

Also available is a set of pattern activity cards - great for morning bins, small group math or learning centers. 
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