Today I want to share with you a few more ways to use the printable game mat!
Standard Play
- play to the standard rules
- students play independently with their own set of dice
- play with a partner and alternate turns
- play in a small group and have a winner
- I've added a follow-up digital activity to the resource over at TpT
- use it for an individual student on a computer or device
- use it for whole class instruction by projecting it onto your electronic board and facilitating a whole-class math talk or demonstration
- use the carrot number line to model additional addition strategies

- print a set of number boards in grayscale
- cut a colored board up into pieces
- let students working at an emergent level to match numbers by placing the colored pieces onto the gray mat

- extend your confident learners with a subtraction activity
- use a 20 sided dice and an 8 sided dice
- cover the carrots with counters
- students roll the 2 dice and subtract the smaller number from the larger one
- remove the counter from the matching number

- work on the doubling strategy for addition
- use 2 game mats, cut one up into pieces
- flip the pieces over, students take one and double the number mentally - e.g. they take 2 and double it to answer '4'
- if correct they place the piece in a sequence above their game mat (option: record the double on a piece of paper or underneath with a dry erase marker)

I hope you love these extra ideas for Carrot Crunch! It's still a free offering over in our store if you'd like it today!