We have a pack of 4 printable games perfect for Autumn that will help students master counting-on in kindergarten or first grade.
Use them in centers, workshop, math groups or in your whole group lesson to ignite learning and get students excited to solve addition.
More for Fall
More for Fall is one of the 4 printable games in the pack and it includes 4 differentiation options - count on 1, 2, 3 or 4.Students will add 1, 2, 3 or 4 to a dice throw and find the total on their board. This game is super fast to prep as there is no cutting.
To complement this game, we have added a fun coloring page to our free coloring club library today! Your students can review the skills they have learnt in the game to write the totals and then color their page!
If you are not a member of the club yet, we'd love to have you. It is super simple to join, just sign up with your email. Find the details over on the website!

Hands-on help
Provide counters or a number line for students to assist their addition when completing the worksheet. Encourage a developing fluency in being able to quickly add 2 to any number. Remind students that it is very close to the 'one more' fact they most likely already know.

2 more to the floor
A quick review activity for the end of your lesson can be to play a whole class game of 2 More to the Floor.
To play give every student a number card between 3 and 20. Call numbers between 1 and 18 and students must listen for the number that is 2 more than the number they are holding. Once they hear it, the 'hit the floor' (sit down). The last child/ren to remain standing may be declared the winners. It is fast pace game so play several rounds and get your students up and moving!
2 More on the Board
Another fast-prep whole class game is 2 More on the Board. Give each student a number between 1 and 6 to remember. Roll a die in the middle of your group of students. When they see their number they 'race' to the board to write their number (their given number +2) on the board. Keep it fast, safe and fun with careful instructions and support.
If you are looking for more fun ideas for addition in your math program, find our growing collection through the website.
Just Released
To further support your teaching of this concept I have a set of Math Warm Up Slides that will delight your learners. Clear, uncluttered visuals will help your students build from their hands-on learning to the beginnings of a mental strategy.
Simply click through the slides and have them call the number that is '2 more'.