Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

27 February 2021

Scissor Skills for St Patrick's Day

Get your scissors ready - this leprechaun needs a beard trim! Combine St Patrick's Day fun with cutting practice with our fast-prep activity pages. Each of the 50 beard-trimming pages give students different line styles to cut with increasing complexity

Leprechaun Beard Scissor Skills

Perfect for:
  • kindergarten and preschool learners
  • remediation with students who are challenged by cutting
  • fine motor development
  • printing on paper or thin card (card will offer additional support)

st patricks day activities

St patricks Day cutting practice

Students will:
  • color the page (optional)
  • cut from the bottom edge up to the circle
  • use the solid thick line for visual support
  • move from standard, evenly spaced straight lines through wavy lines, zig zag lines to wavy lines of varying length
  • curl each strand around a pencil to make the beards curly
Tip: tape the top corners down to the table with washi tape for extra stability!

cutting scissor pages

fine motor march

By curling each strand around a pencil, students will get additional fine motor development and learn a great paper-craft technique to use in their own creative projects.

St Patricks Day Fine Motor

When students have finished the cutting activity they can also color, cut and glue the page into a bright backing paper for a fun classroom display of the curly beards.

We would love to share 1 sample page from our new pack with you here on the blog today: Leprechaun Beard Cutting practice page

You can find 50 more pages for differentiation in our store:

St Patricks Day Scissor Skills

Find more of our St Patrick's Day Printables and ideas over on our website page!


26 February 2021

Counting with Candles

With these fast-prep activity mats your little learners will be engaged in an integrated math and fine motor counting experience. They will add candles to each mat! 

Use them:

  • on your electronic board in your whole class lesson
  • in guided math at the small group table
  • in math centers
  • as a fast finisher activity

Counting Candles Math Cards
Team them up with:
  • dry erase markers (draw the candles)
  • real cake candles
  • play dough
  • craft or popsicle sticks
Math Activities

If using play dough, encourage lots of fine motor development with good rolling technique. Students will roll, press and stretch little play dough balls to make candles and add them to each birthday cake, counting as they go. They can say the simple rhyme as they make them.

Let's have a party,
Let's eat cake.
Count the candles,
That you make!

This new resource in our store includes 20 mats - print them full page to '2 to a page' for small mats. A fun number worksheet has also been provided.

Counting in Math Groups
Your students will love pretending they are at a counting cake party! Find them over in our store.
Counting Activities

play dough cake mats


25 February 2021

Ou Words Cloud Book

After reading and learning with our finger play The Rainbow Ducks have a mini lesson with your students on 'ou' words. 
  • write the word cloud on your board and show students where it is in the text
  • highlight the ou letters and talk about the sound they make together in words like cloud
  •  brainstorm more words and write these on chart paper or your board
  • ask students to write the ou sound for practice - on the carpet, in the air, on whiteboards or on scrap paper
ou words

Make a cloud mini book for our words

  • students cut their clouds and fold on the tab
  • ask students to trace the ou sound in colored markers on each page
  • students can complete a word on each cloud by filling in the other letters - using your class collaborative chart for assistance

  • gather the clouds together and help students staple their mini book
ou words
  • ask students to flick through their cloud book reading the ou words

  • as an option, students may like to glue some cotton onto the front of their cloud book
ou words
  • students can play little word work games with their book 
  • e.g. a simple look, cover, write, check - students look at a page, close their book, write the word on a whiteboard, open their book to check

I would love to share a template for this mini book with you today - you can find it in Google Drive:

ou Words  Cloud Mini Book

And be sure to hop back to our finger play post to get our free finger play - The Rainbow Ducks. They fly up about the clouds, so it makes the perfect literature and language tie in for this activity!


21 February 2021

Crafternoon Supplies

A teacher friend and I were talking last week and she told me about crafternoon. Instantly I loved the name. Doesn't it sound cosy? My first grade teacher let us have crafternoon every Thursday except it was called 'craft with the mums'. About 7 helpers came into class to help us learn everything from paper mache to cross stitch. We were 7 years old and loved it all. Some of those skills and experiences have travelled and evolved all the way through life with me. 

As a teacher, I've always infused craft into my classrooms wherever possible too. I've used it as a teaching or learning strategy, not a learning area. Letting students make or create something as a way to express their knowledge or understanding within a content area. It can also be a part of your handwriting program, visual arts program or technology program. 
Crafternoon Supplies

If it's possible for you to have a crafternoon you may like to incorporate both structured and free tasks. Structured tasks may take advantage of templates and guides. Free exploration can give students a chance to be creative and inventive. They can design, test and revise their making efforts. 

To make craft and making in the classroom more practical think about having a storeroom or shelf to store your growing collection of supplies. Ask parents and families to donate items that could be used by the students. Be sure to check them as they come in to ensure they are clean, safe and appropriate.

I've brainstormed a list of some supplies you may like to ask to be donated. 

Craft Supplies for the Classroom

Here are 62 inexpensive or recycled items you could use for making and craft in the classroom.
  1. Boxes / Small Containers
  2. Cardboard Scraps
  3. cardboard Cylinders
  4. Egg Cartons
  5. Egg Shells
  6. Elastic Bands
  7. Envelopes
  8. Fabrics
  9. Feathers
  10. Felt
  11. Glitter
  12. Ice Cream Containers
  13. Jars
  14. Keys
  15. Lace
  16. Leaves
  17. Lids
  18. Linen Scraps
  19. Magazines
  20. Mailing Tubes
  21. Match Boxes
  22. Metallic papers
  23. Milk Bottle Lids
  24. Newspaper
  25. Paper Bags
  26. Paper Clips
  27. Paper Doilies
  28. Paper Fasteners
  29. Paper Plates
  30. Paper Napkins
  31. Paper Tubes
  32. Pine Cones
  33. Pipe Cleaners
  34. Plasticine
  35. Postage Stamps
  36. Plywood
  37. Raffia
  38. Ribbon
  39. Rope
  40. Safety Pins
  41. Sand
  42. Sandpaper
  43. Sea Shells
  44. Seeds
  45. Sequins
  46. String
  47. Shoe Boxes
  48. Skewers / Craft Sticks
  49. Socks
  50. Sponges
  51. Sticks
  52. Straw
  53. String
  54. Styrofoam Trays
  55. Timber Scraps
  56. Tinsel
  57. Toothpaste Tube Caps
  58. Toothpicks
  59. Twigs
  60. Wool Scraps
  61. wrapping paper
  62. Yogurt Cartons

Craft Item Supply List

I made a printable list with our 62 ideas ready for you - just print and send home with your students to ask for supplies to be sent to your classroom.

Find it in Google Drive:

Classroom Craft Supply List

Craft Supply List Printable

Have fun with craft - especially in the afternoon! I'd love to hear about what you do to incorporate 'making' in your curriculum. It is so important for our students' creativity! 


20 February 2021

Cute Caterpillar Screen Wallpaper

Today, I'm adding a new screen wallpaper - Cute Caterpillar - to my screens and would love to share it with you. A new screen wallpaper is a simple and practical way for me to feel happy and refreshed. I like to change them up each week or so.
cute caterpillar wallpaper

We've heard that so many of your students love a new background on their board or devices in the classroom each week and hope this new design brings a big smile to their face.

wallpaper for screen cute

Find this free wallpaper over on the website!

{These are for your personal use only and cannot be redistributed or shared}. 

You may like our new printable Caterpillar Days of the Week display for your classroom too! It is available in our store and can be used in the classroom to record events, a weekly schedule or for organization of groups and activities. We've included a text editable version for typing too! 

caterpillar week planner

19 February 2021

5 More Free Fonts For You

From 2012 to 2018 I made fonts! Handwritten fonts. I started making them on the iPad. Most of them are scrappy, imperfect and look like someone wrote them - because I made them that way! Often they are the perfect little complement to a larger overall design that I am working on in a project, so many of you have told me that too. 

All of my fonts were given a little makeover in 2018 to remove a few stray edges, make the spacing more consistent and generally make them smoother overall. But they absolutely retain their 'written by a teacher or child' feel! 

I want to remind you of 5 of my free ones. Check out our Terms of Use and find them all in our store - free for you to use.

free fonts for teachers

1. Pond Free Me

free font

2. Pond Free Time

free scrappy font

4. Pond Free Lovely

free font

5. Pond Free Mud

free commercial font

I hope you love adding these to your collection and that they make the perfect final touch to something you're working on! 


Robot Place Value

Over in our free Coloring Club today we have made you a new page called Ten Robot. It can be used as a regular coloring page with your children using pencils, crayon or paint to decorate it as they please. They may like to even use our robot as inspiration and draw their own robots. 

I would like to share an idea for incorporating the page into a math game - for place value. Students will build sets of ten units and trade them for a base ten. 
robot ten coloring page

How to Play Robot Build Ten

Gather your equipment

  • print the page
  • small and large piece math manipulatives - we used flower/cog style connecting pieces from K Mart
  • dice
place value game
Students can play independently or take turns in a partner or group style game. The aim is to build 50 with 5 tens or big cogs.

Tell your students the small cogs are 1, the big cogs are 10. 
  • roll the dice
  • gather the matching number of units
  • place the units on the ten frame
  • roll again 
place value game
  • once the ten frame is full - it is time to trade the ten individual units for a base 10 - a big cog
  • students clear their board and add the big cog (ten) to their game mat
trading ones for tens
  • keep rolling, counting, building tens and clearing until you have 5 big cogs - you have made it to 50!
  • periodically through the game, ask students to pause and tell you the number they have built so far - they will combine the tens and ones
  • at the end of the game they may have some ones remaining, again they can tell you the total - below we see 52
robot tens game

You can find this page over in the free coloring club. If you're not yet a member, you are very welcome to join. Find out how on our information page

We have more fun and engaging teaching resources with a robot theme - you can browse them over on our website page. 


18 February 2021

2 Digit Number Place Value

We make math activities for kindergarten and first grade. It's at the heart of what we do. We love thinking of ways to engage your learners and help them understand and apply foundational concepts in math. 

We have loads of math activities and centers over in our store and quite a few free ones.

We sequenced some of our math centers and games into packs so that you can teach concepts in order and scaffold their progress. 

Today I want to give you a close up peek at Place Value Bots - a place value activity from Math Pack 25. It can be used within the 5 activity sequence of the pack or stand alone as revsion and practice in building 2 digit numbers. 

place value game
This activity can be played by one student or you can have a small group of students playing in a shared space. 6 different robots are provided for variety.

Students will make 2 digit numbers with place value equipment. 
2 digit place value
To play ask them to roll 2 dice. Here you could use:
  • numeral dice
  • dot dice
  • numbers to 6
  • numbers to 9
2 digit numbers
Students build the number and record it on their worksheet. Show them how to draw tens and ones with simple dots and lines. 
place value robots
Encourage students to build many different numbers and to verbalize the number they have made. I have made sixty three. It has 6 tens and 3 ones
from the pond math pack
Instead of the worksheet you could ask students to use a mini whiteboard instead. 
recording teen numbers


If students struggle with this concept, ask them to write the numerals into the columns before they build.

maths groups activities


2 students can play against one another and see who has built the largest number.

math games

We hope taking a close up look at one of our favorite games for place value has given you some ideas and encouraged you to think of creative ways to help your students engage in math.


16 February 2021

5 Rainbow Ducks Finger Play

We have a new finger play to share with you. We have shared quite a few of these with you now, here on the blog and I'm sure you know why I love them so much. 

I love the integration possibilities and mostly because children can become so actively involved in the lesson and class community. Once students are familiar with a finger play, they join in quickly and with gusto, so the rhyme becomes a wonderful tool for bringing the class together. Use them for lesson transitions, refocusing and managing behavior in whole group situations. Teach the words. Teach the actions. Say them over and over! 

Five Rainbow Ducks

This finger play has a backward counting foundation. The rhyme repeats 5 times, each time a duck flies away. There are many familiar variations. 

Students will put 5 fingers up (to be the ducks) and send them over their shoulder to fly above the clouds. The other hand becomes big bossy duck and does all the quacking!

You can find our printable version over in our store. In addition to the one page version similar to all our other finger plays, I have made a multi-page version for you, perfect for watching the disappearing ducks. Project this onto your electronic board and go through each one at a time if you prefer. 
5 rainbow birds action rhyme
Further to simply learning the rhyme and using it for lesson transitions I want to share with you some other lesson ideas you could use with this rhyme as a base.

Modelled Writing

Write an enlarged copy of the rhyme to model writing for your students. Have them watch you write. Verbalize as you write. It is important that students see teachers writing every day.  
finger plays for preschool

Modelled Reading

Use your enlarged text to model reading. Ask your students to read with you, keeping up with your pointer. Model the reading process. Ask individual students to come to the front of the class and point-and-read independently (only select students who are comfortable to do this). 

counting to 5 activities

Use Sticky Notes

Use sticky notes to delve into the text for various activities. They are fast, flexible and can be moved - showing students that we can work within a text.

Number Words and Numerals

  • number the ducks
  • use the numbers to show how the text changes with each duck flying away
  • ask students to move the sticky notes into position

numbers to 5
  • as these numbers are moved you can re-read the text with your students
reading and writing activities for kindergarten

Modifying the text

  • choose a part of the text to modify - here we changed the adjective Rainbow
  • ask students for suggestions for a new way to describe the ducks
  • students can see how we repeat a word to tie the text together 
modifying text with kindergarten

Ordinal Numbers

  • perhaps read 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle that introduces ordinal numbers
  • number the ducks in the action rhyme with ordinal number sticky notes, adding the letter suffixes to the sticky note numbers you've already written
eric carle 10 rubber ducks

In our free printable we've included a blackline version of the one page format. You can send this home after students color the pictures in. Students may like to 'read' it to someone at home, particularly after they become very familiar with the rhyme. 

reading with kindergarten

Link to counting

You can talk informally about the numbers in the rhyme with your students as you read the text. 

  • practice counting to 5 - forwards and backwards
  • clap each time you count a number
  • role play the action - have 5 students come to the front and act our flying away - talk about how many ducks are left

Math Activities in Small Groups

  • use the cover of the rhyme from our printable pack as an activity counting mat
  • ask students to point to each duck and count - forwards and backwards
  • call a numeral and ask students to locate and point to the duck
  • 1:1 correspondence by placing one counter on each duck as you count
early subtraction
  • early addition and subtraction can be modelled and demonstrated with counters
  • students place a counter on each duck
  • tell the students a 'subtraction story' and they model it with the counters
  • e.g. there are 5 rainbow ducks, three flew away, how many are left
  • encourage students to tell their own subtraction stories
addition to 5

Numeral Writing

  • with a whiteboard and pen or paper, ask students to practice writing numerals 1-5
  • practice, practice, practice
writing numbers in kindergarten

Puppet Play

  • use the printable one page craft template (in our Premium Coloring Club) to model subtraction
  • as the students say the rhyme, you can take one puppet away
  • students watch and keep track of the changing number of ducks
puppets in kindergarten
  • put these puppets in an accessible place for students to play with in the following days and weeks - they will love to recreate the teaching experiences you have modelled or act out the rhyme 
  • encourage students to create little stories about the ducks with the puppets and present them to the class
finger play puppets

We hope our new finger play not only keeps your students fingers busy but ignites rich language, literacy and math discussion and activity in your classroom!