Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

19 February 2021

Robot Place Value

Over in our free Coloring Club today we have made you a new page called Ten Robot. It can be used as a regular coloring page with your children using pencils, crayon or paint to decorate it as they please. They may like to even use our robot as inspiration and draw their own robots. 

I would like to share an idea for incorporating the page into a math game - for place value. Students will build sets of ten units and trade them for a base ten. 
robot ten coloring page

How to Play Robot Build Ten

Gather your equipment

  • print the page
  • small and large piece math manipulatives - we used flower/cog style connecting pieces from K Mart
  • dice
place value game
Students can play independently or take turns in a partner or group style game. The aim is to build 50 with 5 tens or big cogs.

Tell your students the small cogs are 1, the big cogs are 10. 
  • roll the dice
  • gather the matching number of units
  • place the units on the ten frame
  • roll again 
place value game
  • once the ten frame is full - it is time to trade the ten individual units for a base 10 - a big cog
  • students clear their board and add the big cog (ten) to their game mat
trading ones for tens
  • keep rolling, counting, building tens and clearing until you have 5 big cogs - you have made it to 50!
  • periodically through the game, ask students to pause and tell you the number they have built so far - they will combine the tens and ones
  • at the end of the game they may have some ones remaining, again they can tell you the total - below we see 52
robot tens game

You can find this page over in the free coloring club. If you're not yet a member, you are very welcome to join. Find out how on our information page

We have more fun and engaging teaching resources with a robot theme - you can browse them over on our website page. 

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